Scheduling in full progress... it's an art form, it can take some time & iterations :)

Everything-as-code. A polyglot adventure.
JVM Toolbox 2017 - Choose the right JVM language for the right task (Live coding)
Kotlin – your 2017 Java replacement
OpenJ9: Under the hood of the next open source JVM
Pragmatist’s Guide to Functional Geekery
Pragmatist’s Guide to Functional Geekery
Using actors for The Internet of (Lego) Trains

Advanced search for your legacy application
Anomaly detection in real-time a.k.a. simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Apache Spark : Deep dive into the Java API for developers
Apache Spark? If only it worked.
Big Data 101, all the foundations you need to bootstrap a new project in 2017
From Tic Tac Toe to AlphaGo: Playing games with AI and machine learning
Google Dataflow: The New Open Model for Batch and Stream Processing

10 tips to become an awesome Technical Lead
Beyond Given/When/Then - why diving into Cucumber is the wrong approach to adopting BDD
Boost your skills with Open Source
Brainstorming your way from a Monolith to a Clean Architecture
Crash Coaching - Agile coaching for dangerous feedback
Cut me some Slack: The road to continuous learning and improvement
Delegate responsibility, gain productivity
Do it yourself - How to create a successful Uber type ride sharing company in 30 days!
Find A Tech Job
Fostering an evolving architecture in the agile world
Git Anti-Patterns: How Mess Up With Git And Love It Again
Git — the modern version control system
How to run a dev team in a cloud-talent world (100% remotework)
Polytech Careerism
Shift-Left: The role of the tester in a DevOps world
The Art of Clean Code

55 New Features In JDK 9
55 New Features In JDK 9
A reasonable overview of Java 9 and how you could think of it
Concurrency Concepts in Java
Event Sourcing and CQRS with Spring Stream
JPA beyond copy-paste
JVM Mechanics
Java Performance Puzzlers
Making the Most of Your Gradle Build
Polytech Careerism
Reactive Meets Data Access
Reactive programming in Java
Think Async in Java 8
Vavr By Example

Applying stability patterns: a case study
HTTP Servers: the fundament of microservices
Java EE 8 - What's coming?
Ratpack - Future<Server.HTTP<Java>>
Ratpack  - Future<Server.HTTP<Java>>
Reactive Spring
Spring Framework 5: Themes & Trends
The Future of Event-driven Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream

Application Security 101
Betting on performance: a note on hypothesis-driven performance testing
Botching your Microservices the easy way
Cracking the Code to Secure Software
Embrace failure – what can bring your system down
Feature Branches And Toggles In A Post-GitHub World
Four Distributed Systems Architectural Patterns
Implementing Clean Architecture
Managing secrets at scale
Microservices - the naked truth of the maintainability
Microservices with Kafka
Migrating to Microservice Databases: From Relational Monolith to Distributed Data
Migrating to Microservice Databases: From Relational Monolith to Distributed Data
On @annotations - liberate yourselves from demons
Resilient Architecture
Rethinking Microservices with Stateful Streams
Security and Microservices
Stages of maturity on the way to microservices
The Language of Actors
The Language of Actors

5 architectures of asynchronous JavaScript
An empty database in every pocket
Angular vs. React: Framework Smackdown
Angular vs. React: Framework Smackdown
Browsers behind your back
Browsers behind your back
Build To Last: From Frontend To Backend #slideless #talk
Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular and Spring Boot
Introduction to gRPC: A general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first
Offline-first apps with WebComponents
What's New in JHipsterLand

360° Monitoring of Your Microservices
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud Native Stack
Consumer Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture
Continuous Deployment to the Cloud with Spring Cloud Pipelines
Distributed Systems in One Lesson
Distributed Systems in One Lesson
Docker Container Orchestration Platforms on Amazon
From Laptop to the World - Global deployment at your fingertip with Kubernetes
Load Testing Like a Pro
Serverless? Not so FaaS!
Spanner - a fully managed horizontally scalable relational database with ACID transactions that speaks SQL
To the Cloud?