Jarek Ratajski
From CSS Versicherung
Jarek Ratajski - Java Developer since 1999
I love programming since my first line of code I did on the C64 in Basic. Somewhere in 90ties I've switched from C++ to java and spent then 16 Years developing JavaEE software working for various companies and projects. Now I work for CSS Versicherung in Luzern being Java developer during the days and Scala/ScalaJS hacker at nights.

On @annotations - liberate yourselves from demons
Symptoms: - tedious code containing only getters and setter, - useless tests that only test mocks and NOT the business of the system, - frustration – you read a lot of books about JEE, Spring, JPA, spend your time on stack overflow findiong out that you always make things wrong, - fear of refactoring - yes, you have tests – but small change somewhere and suddenly injections do not work anymore, - You constantly need a real sorcerer and his XML spells in order to keep system running.
Is that is what you do for living?
Last but not least - you are so jealous hearing that some other teams write great things in Scala, Python or even JavaScript in a few weeks.
I know the problem. It is not Java that is bad ! The cancer is called @Annotations. Something that was introduced to liberate Java developers from XML programming hell. But after few years it became even a bigger mess. Really - @annotations are the Java GOTO.
After 16 years of programming with Java EE (and Spring, CDI, OSGi) I am sure that almost (there are few good exceptions) every annotation that you put in code is just a code smell and the proof you just do not know Java possibilities. Container based platform

Ratpack - Future<Server.HTTP<Java>>
Have you ever heard of non blocking web servers? Have you tried it in Java? Curious?
Let me show you how to write simple HTTP Rest Server using Ratpack library. Yes library - because it is not another vast framework. Just a small tool for big things! I will show how non blocking architecture works - and yes one thread can handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP connections in Java. We will see why using more threads on server is not the best option every time - and we will try to find the sweet spot for performance. We will deal with topics such as: REST, WebSockets, persistence (with and without SQL databases), asynchronous IO, blocking IO, RxJava 2.0, JavaSlang, immutability and more.
And yes - there will be mondas, a lot of them, you are going to love them. They are terrific.
All that on a working example of a simple web based multiplayer game.

Ratpack - Future<Server.HTTP<Java>>
Have you ever heard of non blocking web servers? Have you tried it in Java? Curious?
Let me show you how to write simple HTTP Rest Server using Ratpack library. Yes library - because it is not another vast framework. Just a small tool for big things! I will show how non blocking architecture works - and yes one thread can handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP connections in Java. We will see why using more threads on server is not the best option every time - and we will try to find the sweet spot for performance. We will deal with topics such as: REST, WebSockets, persistence (with and without SQL databases), asynchronous IO, blocking IO, RxJava 2.0, JavaSlang, immutability and more.
And yes - there will be mondas, a lot of them, you are going to love them. They are terrific.
All that on a working example of a simple web based multiplayer game.