Lemi Orhan Ergin
From iyzico
Lemi Orhan Ergin has been working as Agile Software Craftsman and Agile Practice Lead at iyzico. He has been actively developing software since 2001. He has worked as software architect, software craftsman, technical leader, team leader, technical coordinator, Scrum Master and Agile coach in dozens of software projects at BYM, GittiGidiyor / eBay and Sony. As a managing partner in ACM, he has provided consulting services to dozens of companies. He has led the establishment of agile software cultures, continuity and sustainability in software teams.
He is the founder of Software Craftsmanship Turkey community and core member of Agile Turkey community. His presentations are viewed (via slideshare and other sites) more than 1 million times.
Blog: www.lemiorhanergin.com

Git Anti-Patterns: How Mess Up With Git And Love It Again
Git is one of the most powerful tool in developers' toolbox. If you use it correctly, it dramatically increases productivity of developers and eliminates the waste products continuously. Developers cultivate a development culture on top Git most of the time.
It's powerful but its power is untamed. Many teams fall into several traps of misusing commands and therefore feel uncomfortable while using Git. We mess up Git history, the codebase and the whole preferred branching strategy in seconds. We use branches, merge/rebase strategies, creating commits in wrong ways. Even we never take committing paradigms into account while using Git.
As a software craftsman, I've been using Git for years and I've already educated Git to hundreds of developers in all levels. I'm so lucy; I had a chance to experience huge amount of anti-patterns in time. In this talk, I will talk about what those anti-patterns are and what should we do in order not to fall into them.