Bart Blommaerts
From @Lifeatordinabe
Bart Blommaerts is a passionate Software Architect at Ordina, who believes closing the model-code gap is essential to make rapid, agile delivery sustainable. Bart has a strong focus on API design, reuse, automation and security. He is always looking for technical challenges. Bart also is the chairman of the different JWorks Competence Leads at Ordina.
Before Ordina, Bart led the EMEA Java Community at HP and was chairman of the HP Java Governance Board in the Benelux.
Blog: http://www.daggie.be

10 tips to become an awesome Technical Lead
As you grow in your career, chances are that one day you will end up as the Technical Lead of 1 or more projects. Often not by choice. The role of Technical Lead is quite different from the role of (senior) Software Developer and this talk will bring you answers on questions like:
- How do I do technical interviews?
- How do I lead a team? How do I lead multiple teams?
- How do I cope with my new responsibilities?
- How do I cope with success / failure?
- How do I prevent losing focus on the technical challenges?
- …
In summary, everything you want(ed) to know on your first day as a Technical Lead and that you can use every day from that point onwards.