IRL-1451 Continuous Deployment to the Cloud with Spring Cloud Pipelines | Devoxx

Continuous Deployment to the Cloud with Spring Cloud Pipelines


cloud Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure

Room 3 (Sabre)

Friday from 10:20 til 11:10

“I have stopped counting how many times I’ve done this from scratch” - was one of the responses to the tweet about starting the project called Spring Cloud Pipelines. Every company sets up a pipeline from scratch. Every company creates some sort of automation to deploy its applications to servers. Enough is enough - time to automate that and focus on delivering business value.

In this presentation we’ll go through the contents of the Spring Cloud Pipelines project. We’ll start a new project for which we’ll have a deployment pipeline set up in no time. We’ll deploy to Cloud Foundry and check if our application is backwards compatible so that we can roll it back on production.

Marcin Grzejszczak Marcin Grzejszczak

Open source contributor. Author of Mockito books. Making Spring Cloud Contract / Sleuth / Pipelines @Pivotal