PLC-8937 JPA beyond copy-paste | Devoxx

JPA beyond copy-paste


java Java Language

Room 3 (Sabre)

Wednesday from 16:30 til 17:20

JPA is the main building block in most Java projects. However, a lot of developers still use it without a deep understanding of the technology, relying mainly on applying the copy-paste methodology from StackOverflow or existing system entities. During this presentation, I will consolidate knowledge about object-relational mapping. We'll see how lazy loading works under the hood and understand the difference between a set, list or bag. We will also talk about common traps leading to significant decreases in performance or improper behavior of the system.

 jpa    hibernate    Java  
Jakub Kubrynski Jakub Kubrynski

Jakub is a software developer for whom coding is a way of life as well as a hobby.

He is focused on continuously improving software delivery processes by introducing new technologies and refining Lean methodologies.

For over 12 years of his professional career, he worked as a software developer, architect, team leader, and manager. He gained experience working on both sides of the delivery process, as a vendor and as a client. Today, he is a speaker, trainer, and co-founder of the online technical assessment platform, Devskiller.