Juergen Hoeller
From Pivotal
Juergen Hoeller is co-founder of the Spring Framework open source project and has been serving as the project lead and release manager for the core framework since 2003. Juergen is an experienced software architect and consultant with outstanding expertise in code organization, transaction management and enterprise messaging.
Blog: https://spring.io/blog

Reactive Spring
Spring 5 is here! One of the most exciting introductions in this release is support for reactive programming, building on the Pivotal Reactor project to support message-driven, elastic, resilient and responsive services. Spring 5 integrates an MVC-like component model adapted to support reactive processing and a new type of web endpoint, functional reactive endpoints. In this talk, we'll look at the net-new Netty-based web runtime, how existing Servlet code can run on the new world, and how to integrate it with existing Spring-stack technologies.

Spring Framework 5: Themes & Trends
Spring Framework 5 (scheduled for general availability in June) comes with a strong focus on several themes: reactive web applications based on Reactive Streams, functional configuration with Java 8 as well as the Kotlin language, comprehensive support for JDK 9 and HTTP/2, plus the latest API generations in the Enterprise Java ecosystem. This talk presents the overall story in the context of wider industry trends, highlighting Spring's unique programming model strategy.

The Spring BOF
An opportunity for discussing Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Spring Cloud, Project Reactor and everything around... as well as JDK 9 and Java EE 8 from a Spring perspective.