CEA-3379 Reactive Meets Data Access | Devoxx

Reactive Meets Data Access


java Java Language

Room 3 (Sabre)

Wednesday from 14:00 til 14:50

Building reactive applications does not simply end by throwing arbitrary reactive libs on the classpath and picking an appropriate frontend technology. It's a cross-cutting concern throughout the entire stack. We'll have a look on Spring Data utilizing Project Reactor and Spring 5 get hold of a reactive data access layer on top of NoSQL stores.

 Spring 5    Reactive Programming    NoSQL  
Mark Paluch Mark Paluch

I'm a Software craftsman, Spring Data Engineer at Pivotal, and a member of the CDI 2.0 expert group. I was developing Java server-, frontend-, and web applications since 1999 and my focus is now on software architecture, Spring, and Redis.