Morgan Kobeissi | Devoxx

Morgan Kobeissi
Morgan Kobeissi Twitter

From Murex

Full Stack Developer in the Business Intelligence domain and agile coach at Murex Paris with 8 years of experience. Find me on Github @mcmoe.

I'm a strong proponent of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing with the aim of achieving stable and high performance teams. I strive for clean code and the incorporation of best practices and principles to achieve more business value and less technical debt while providing software that is evolutive and maintainable in time.

I believe that continuous learning is one's duty; I enjoy conferences, books, online courses, talks and articles. I like to give back what I learn through blog posts or talks combining and adapting material with my own perspective with the hope of inspiring others.


method Methodology & Culture

Cut me some Slack: The road to continuous learning and improvement


What is organizational slack?

> Slack is the degree of freedom in a company that allows it to change.

Are you in a situation where you are

  • practicing Scrum or the like?
  • developing 24/7 struggling to keep your head above water to meet demands?
  • overcommitting in your iterations?
  • committing to your exact velocity but still not managing to deliver it all?
  • experiencing inconsistent amount of work finished between iterations?
  • feeling your agility is fragile?
  • frustrated that there is no time to learn new things?

Would you like to know of a simple yet very effective way to solve all these impediments and better yet, improve and learn continuously and be more productive while being happy?

Come and join me at this session, and hopefully you can leave it with the necessary knowledge to explain to others why they should cut you some slack.