Ray Tsang
From Google
Ray is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Ray had extensive hands on cross-industry enterprise systems integration delivery and management experiences during his time at Accenture, managed full stack application development, DevOps, and ITOps. Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products during his time at Red Hat while contributing to open source projects, such as Infinispan. Aside from technology, Ray enjoys traveling and adventures.
From Laptop to the World - Global deployment at your fingertip with Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a powerful, open source, container orchestration / cluster management tool created by Google. It drew upon all the lessons learned from a near-decade of using containers at Google. Kubernetes handles deployment and provisioning of your application architecture, and it also handles number of failure scenarios gracefully, from a crashed process, to a failure of a cluster node. In this talk, we will develop a Java application locally, run and test it locally and deploying it into a cluster of machines with Kubernetes and container orchestration. But we'll take this even a step further, and see how we can configure and utilize Kubernetes Cluster Federation to deploy this application into multiple datacenter regions around the globe, configuring global load balancing, and regional level service discovery that can handle a variety of failure scenarios.