OAQ-7381 Streams in JDK 8: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly | Devoxx

Streams in JDK 8: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

BOF (Bird of a Feather)

java Java Language

Room 2

Wednesday from 19:30 til 20:30

The streams API combined with lambda expressions, both introduced in JDK 8, provide a way for developers to use a functional style of programming for the first time in Java. As with all powerful features like this, it is easy to abuse them and produce code that is difficult to read and hard to maintain.

In this BoF we’ll use examples of streams to discuss whether the code is good, bad or ugly and talk about ways the code could be changed. No doubt, this will lead to some interesting discussions!

If you have examples of stream code you think would be good to discuss please feel free to bring them along.

Simon Ritter Simon Ritter

Simon Ritter is the Deputy CTO of Azul Systems. Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K.

Simon joined Sun Microsystems in 1996 and spent time working in both Java development and consultancy. He has been presenting Java technologies to developers since 1999 focusing on the core Java platform as well as client and embedded applications. Now at Azul Systems he continues to help people understand Java and Azul’s JVM products.