HPB-7805 Frontendless in a nutshell: UI as a service | Devoxx

Frontendless in a nutshell: UI as a service


web Modern Web

Room 3 (Sabre)

Friday from 12:30 til 12:45

Serverless? Function in containers or external backend (F/BaaS). Frontendless? Headless software with 3rd party UI for multi-platform, effective (no CRUD) apps. Simplicity of smart input and response like Google Search or chatbots. Let’s create a mouseless web app, workflow (no BPMN) or team tool. Language: Polish.

 API    Java    chat bots  
Tomasz Skowroński Tomasz Skowroński

Programmer, JVM languages enthusiast, androids’ friend, APIs traveler, hackathons participant, addicted to coffee and clean code, games player, podcasts and city bikes user.