Sergey Morenets
From IT-Discovery
Works in IT since 2000 with 15 year of Java SE/EE experience. Occupied Senior Java developer/Team Lead positions in more than 20 Java projects. Winner of 2013 JBoss Community Recognition Award. Has been working for more than 4 years as Java lecturer/trainer. Author of “Development of Java applications”, “Ideal code” and “Main errors in Java programming” books. Co-founder of IT-Discovery programming courses.
Blog: http://it-simulator.com

Java 8 anti-patterns
Java 8 became the major Java version in development and production environment. Lambda-expressions, Streams API, default and static methods, Java time library bring a lot of attention from the Java development community. However broad usage of Java 8 lead to "Java 7" style in Java 8 applications. We will talk about most common anti-patterns and how to resolve it